
Everything is reversible, including the past.

SEP 6 - 24, 2017


Founded in Montreal in 2002, seven circus artists came together and became The 7 Fingers, creating original productions, Broadway shows, artistic collaborations, Olympic ceremony performances, immersive performance experiences and much more. Ambassadors of diversity and fascinated by the human condition, The 7 Fingers create performances that speak about the world and our time.


  • Maria del Mar Reyes Saez
  • Vincent Jutras
  • Jérémi Lévesque
  • Natasha Patterson
  • Hugo Ragetly
  • Émilie Silliau
  • Julien Silliau
  • Emi Vauthey


Les 7 doigts de la main translates literally as "the 7 fingers of the hand". It is a twist on a French idiom ("the five fingers of the hand”) used to describe distinct parts united tightly, moving in coordination towards one common goal. Here it refers to the 7 founding directors of the company (Isabelle Chassé, Shana Carroll, Patrick Léonard, Faon Shane, Gypsy Snider, Sébastien Soldevila and Samuel Tétreault) who, by combining their distinct talents and experiences, work towards their common artistic goals with the beautifully awkward dexterity of a 7-fingered hand.

"This collective is founded by a core of artists and collaborators inhabited by the same vision and same spirit of cooperation and solidarity. Our intention is first and foremost to create. We wish to think outside the box, to innovate, surprise, and touch. We strive to create shows along the very scale and grandeur of human beings, in which viewers can easily identify with the artists. By integrating different art forms such as music, dance, theatre, visual arts, cinema, and electronic media, we propose a new perspective on the everyday. The extraordinary is hidden inside the wake of the ordinary. In addition to delighting audiences, we invite spectators to question their own perceptions of life and of reality, encouraging them to reflect on their own values and hopes." 

Isabelle Chassé, Shana Carroll, Patrick Léonard, Faon Shane, Gypsy Snider, Sébastien Soldevila and Samuel Tétreault