May 4 - 14, 2016



Evelina Fernández: Scripting New Roles for Latino Actors with Premeditation 
by Grace Dávila-López

“Today, the LTC is at the forefront of Chicano/Latino theater in Los Angeles. The Company operates the Los Angeles Theatre Center (LATC), and their programming brings together diverse Angeleno ethnic communities.”

“At the LTC’s hands, Premeditation becomes a beautifully orchestrated theatrical experience set in the 1940’s in Los Angeles. . . The characters designed for the LTC actors become fully alive —Fernández playing the role of Esmerelda, Sal López as Mauricio, Lucy Rodríguez as Lydia, and Geoffrey Rivas as Fernando. The seductive tango music comes together to create a poetic ambiance suited for the fine-tuned tempo and sensuously melodramatic acting of the ensemble.”

“These are definitely not conventional Latino characters either. Esmerelda prefers scotch rather than the ron included in her hotel room’s full bar; Mauricio prefers bourbon and he is a Trojans fan; Fernando drives a Volvo and eats Soy-rizo from Trader Joe’s; Lydia’s love letter is verbatim lyrics to a Marvin Gaye song. These characters are very much at ease in their American context, which seems like an intentional break away from the stereotypes.”

“Just like Esmerelda, who liberates herself from self-constraints in an experimental move, Evelina Fernández’s exploration of new thematic territories keeps her work premeditatedly relevant.”

Mexican Noir Film: A Look into Premeditation’s Influences 
by Camila Cornejo-Schilling

“Premeditation’s style was highly influenced by old-school Mexican noir films. Mexican noir films feature stories about crimes of passion, jealousy and betrayal.”

“Premeditation offers the audience strong, determined, and flawed female characters who feel frustrated in their respective marriages—something we all can relate to. Fernandez’s mastery to create relatable scenarios combined with humor and playful language makes Premeditation a play you won’t want to miss."



  • Location: Emerson/Paramount Mainstage
  • Ages: 13+
  • Run Time: 80 minutes with no intermission



  • Presented by: The Latino Theater Company
  • Written by: Evelina Fernandez
  • Directed by: José Luis Valenzuela
  • Featuring: Evelina Fernandez, Sal Lopez, Geoffrey Rivas and Lucy Rodriguez