MAR 2 - 6, 2016


About the Artists

The Maly Drama Theatre was established in Saint Petersburg in 1944, a time when many theatres were evacuated from the city. Founded by the Regional Executive Committee, the small company performed in the region’s towns and villages until the mid-70s when current artistic director Lev Dodin and other well-known artists joined the company. Dodin first staged The Robber by Karel Chapek in 1975; in 1983, he became Artistic Director. Maly Drama Theatre is currently regarded as one of the top theatres in Russia and has garnered worldwide acclaim for its inventive productions.


ANDREY PROSOROV Bikovsky Alexander
NATASHA, his fiancée, later his wife Kleopina Ekaterina
OLGA Tychinina Irina
MASHA Rappoport Ksenia
IRINA Boyarskaya Elizaveta
FEODOR KULIGIN, high school teacher, married to MASHA Vlasov Sergey
ALEXANDER VERSHININ, lieutenant-colonel in charge of a battery Chernevich Igor
NICOLAI TUZENBACH, baron, lieutenant in the army Ryazanzev Oleg
VASSILI SOLENI, captain Nikolskiy Stanislav
IVAN CHEBUTIKIN, army doctor Kuryshev Sergey
ALEXEY FEDOTIK, sub-lieutenant Kozin Artur
VLADIMIR RODE, sub-lieutenant Serzin Evgeny
FERAPONT, door-keeper at local council offices, an old man Koshkarev Alexander
ANFISA, nurse Akimova Natalia
MAID Von Ribben Arina
SOLDIER Andreev Mihail


Director Lev Dodin
Set-design and costumes Alexander Borovsky
Artistic collaboration Valery Galendeev
Lighting designer Damir Ismagilov
Dancing coach Yuri Vasilkov
Military consultant colonel Nikolay Morozov
Head of music department Mihail Alexandrov
Music used in the performance by P.Grundstrem, Nicola Paganini, Iakov Prigogiy, Henry Sayers, Petr Chaikovsky, A.Shishkin
Technical manager Alexander Pulinets
Stage manager Natalia Sollogub
Russian / русский Russian Flag


  • Location: Emerson/Cutler Majestic Theatre
  • Ages: All ages
  • Run Time: 3 hours including one intermission
  • Performed in Russian with English surtitles



  • Presented by: Maly Drama Theatre of St. Petersburg
  • Directed by: Lev Dodin
  • David Eden Productions