M. Lee Pelton
President, Emerson College
Ted Cutler (1931 - 2017)
Champion & Grand Supporter of ArtsEmerson



Joan Bok
Ted Cutler (dec.)
Alison Fox and Marc Reinganum
Deirdre Girard
Marian A. Godfrey
Naomi Gordon
Joan Lancourt
Jackie Liebergott
Jacqui Lindsay
Tony Pangaro
M. Lee Pelton
Ted and Mary Wendell
Marillyn Zacharis


Leadership Circle ($50,000+)
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Barr Foundation
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Fresh Sound Foundation
Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
Surdna Foundation
Legacy Circle ($10,000 - $49,999)
The Boston Foundation
Creating Connection, a program of Arts Midwest and the Metropolitan Group, with funding from the Barr Foundation
Lars Foundation
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Mass Humanities, State-Based Affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities
National Endowment for the Arts
New England Foundation for the Arts
Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation
Shubert Foundation
Marquee Society ($1,500 - $9,999)
ArtsBoston AudienceLab
Boston Cultural Council
Dudley Fellowes Athenaeum Trust Fund
Friends of ArtsEmerson ($50 to $1,499)
Association of Performing Arts Professionals
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Salon Monet++


Leadership Circle ($50,000+)
David and Joan Maxwell++
Ted and Mary Wendell++
Marillyn Zacharis++

Legacy Circle ($10,000 - $49,999)
Pam and Robert Adams++
Ellen and Richard Calmas
Marian A. Godfrey and Thomas J. Gardner++
Alyce and Patrick Lee++
Fred Lowery++
David and Kathy Maister+
Valentine Talland and Nagesh Mahanthappa++
Drs. Robert and Shari Thurer++

Marquee Society ($1,500 - $9,999)
Edward Boesel++
Dr. Aliya and Reginald Browne
Mary Darmstaetter
Ruth Davidson and Emily Sherwood+
Wendy Fox and Al Larkin++
Paul Leca and Michael Hunter++
Kenneth and Traci Johnson++
Barbara Lemperly Grant and Frederic Grant++
David and Christine Letts
Drs. Lynne and Sidney Levitsky
Roger and Adelaide Haynes++
Paula Leca and Michael Hunter
Daniel Lewis
Jackie and Harvey Liebergott++
Michael and Terese Miles++
Janet and David Offensend++
Andrew and Suzanne Offit
Rob and Pam Orchard
Barbara and Frank Resnek
Michael and Judy Rogers++
Michael Roitman and Emily Karstetter+
Michaele Whelan
Terry and David Wilkins++
Sabrina and Rob Williams++
Arthur Winn
Jane and Michael Wojcik
Ellen Ziskind

Friends of ArtsEmerson ($50 to $1,499)
Anonymous (5)
Beth Abelow
Jonathan Abbott and Shari Malyn
Morton Abromson and Joan Nissman
John Achatz and Mary Farrell
Levi Adams
Dr. Lillian Ain
Angela and Jeff Allen++
Deborah Alves++
Dave and Lois Ardito
Eric Baatz
Bonnie J. Baggesen and Ann-Marie Raymond++
Sharyn Bahn
Judith Batty++
Judith Beals
Vivian Beard++
Kate Bechtold
Carol Becker++
Susan Bigger and Kevin Belanger
Joan and Mark Bloom
Karen Blum
Joan Bok
Ms. Constance Borab
Alan Bowers
Melissa Bradley++
Amy Brakeman++
David G. Breen+
Lori Britton
Sara and Matt Brookner
Deborah Brower
Cathleen Brown
Wanda Henton Brown++
Stephanie Browne++
Edward and Matilda Bruckner
Margaret Cain
Bonnie Carney
Edward Cardoza
Bithiah Carter & Andrew Hoffman++
Dina Catani and Ned Gray
Jenine Celesin++
Sophie Chapelle
Carole Charnow
Deborah Chatman++
Adrienne Childa++
Helen Chin Schlichte
Kevin and Petrina Cherry++
Koren Christensen and Nancy King
Rena Clark++
Ryan Cloke
Jeff Corburn and Deborah Dumaine
Howard Cohen
Archie Colander++
Lawrence and Nancy Coolidge
Tom Cooper
Pamela Coravos and Garrett Stuck++
Donna Cowan
Shelia Cox
Deborah Crews++
Claudette and Henry Crouse++
James Cusack and Julia Shivers
Chrysa DaCosta
Belden and Pamela Daniels
Jennifer and Kevin DaSilva++
Jessica Davis++
A David Davis
Catherine and Stephen Denny
Charlene Domenech and Fernando J Domenech, JR.
Bruce Donald++
Ms. Camille Donnelly
Tammy Dowley-Blackman
Mai Du
Marie Dumornay
Christine M. Dunn
Walter Dzik
Cathy Edwards and Mike Wishnie
Olga Efimova
Mark Elenko
Dr. Paula Elliot
Chinedu Enekwe++
Sumru Erkut
Pamela Everhart++
Roberta Falke
Elizabeth Farmer
Mary Jean Farrington
The Feaster Family
Richard Ferrante
Nancy and Art Finkelstein
Ann and Stona Fitch
Marian Fox
Felice C. Frankel
Vicky Free
Edmund Gaither
Robert Gittens
David Genser
Koinonia Givens++
Lenore Glaser
Joan Goldberg
Ms. Anne Gonzalez
Marion and Dr. Clifton Grayer++
Mary-Ann Greanier
Pamela Green++
Grace Gregor
Teri Groome and Paul Belanger
Barbara and Steve Grossman+
Melissa Hale
Jay Hanflig and Donna Sinden
Robert L. Harding
Dana J. Harrell and Michelle Howard Harrell
Michele Harrison
Timothy Harwood
Carolyn Golden Hebsgaard and Poul Hebsgaard
Lizbeth Hedstrom
Dwight and Lori Henderson
Jeannette Herrmann and Christopher Owens
Wanda Henton Brown
Donald Hilliard++
Paul Hogan
Judith Holoway
Ms. Wendy Holt
James Houghton
Rosa L. Hunter
Tito Jackson
Deborah and Duane Jackson
Dana Jackson Cohen
Nikki Jacobs++
Margaret Jacobson-Sive
Emily Anne Jacobstein
Jamie Jaffe and Stephen Shuff
Kerry James
Charlene Jarvis++
Debbi Jarvis++
Terence Janericco
Charla Jones++
Hubert and Kathy Jones++
Mitch Jones
Deborah Judd and Henry Keating
Meg Clough and Barry Katz
Susan Kazanas
Emily Kellndorfer
Tom Kiely
Elena Kingsland
Allan and Rita Kiser++
Sue Klem
Mrs. Charlotte Knox
Andrew Koppel
Mariusz Krawiec
Lynn Kremer
Antom Kris
Yuriko Kuwabara and Sunny Dzik
J Dayne Lamb and Gardner N Stratton++
Stewart and Rhonda Lassner
Malia Lazu++
Brad Learmonth
Heidi Lehner
Jerry Levine
Howard Levy
Jacqui Lindsay++
Lisa Llorente
Richard Marotta
Joyce Martin++
Donna Matson
Cam Mazard++
Kim Mccant
David McCarthy
Julie McConchie
Michael and Mary McConnell
Richard McLaughry
Ann McPherson
Wayne McWorter
Tseday Mekbib++
Shellee Mendes++
Bunny Meyer
Christopher Meyer
David Miller
Myron Miller
Mitchison/Field Family
Nathalie Molina Niño++
Dani Monroe++
Carol Moore++
Dr. Natalie and Rashad Moore++
Brian Moreland++
Cynthia Moreland++
Paul and Chrissy Morrison
Dale Mott++
Joan Moynagh and Adam Sholley+
Jeffrey Musman
Hope Nadji
Susan and Ross Neisuler
Magdalena and James Nowlin
Ellen J. and Thomas H. O'Flaherty
Jaylyn Olivo and Dale Flecker
Patricia O'Shea
Ms. Marcie Osinsky++
John Parisi
Rev Dr. Nigel Pearce++
Denaka Perry++
Suzanne and Bob Petrucci
Colette Phillips++
James Piatt++
Stephanie Pinder-Amaker and Tommy Amaker
Robert Pinderhughes
Susan Pioli
Trevor Pollack
Enid and Desmond Pope++
Jane Preston and Michael Muller
Bruce Price
Suzanne Priebatsch
Bernard and Sue Pucker+
Dr. Nancy Rappaport and Colin Flavin
Amelie Ratliff
Thangam Ravindranathan
Wiliam S. and Katharine Reardon
Sharon Redd++
Yoonhee and David Rhee
Edward and Shirley Redd++
Suzanne Ricco
David and Tami Rich++
Sandra L. Richards++
Mr. Peter Riley
Mr. Richard Riordan
Elaine Robins
Michael Robinson++
Sue Robinson
Rachel Rock
Howard Rogut
Mark and Etta Rosen
Amy Russo++
Maya Samara
Vladimir Savikovsky
Barry Schaudt
Barbara Schmitt
Stephen Schwartz
Karyn Scott
John Shane
Marci Shaw
Candelaria Silva-Collins++
Jill and David Silverstein
Sylvia Quarles Simmons++
Ron Simons++
Carole Simpson++
Mary Slavet
Christopher Smart
David Smith++
Deirdre Smith++
Shelby Smither++
Dr. Folashade Solomon
Norman and Sue Stahl
Ms. Candance Stanciel++
Mr. Joel Stein
Richard Stevenson
Earl and Amanda Stafford++
Quita and Mark Sullivan
Diana Taylor
Ann Teixeira++
Alexander M. Tetradze
Corey Thomas++
Monica and John Thompson III++
Lloyd and Teri Trotter++
Louise Tsoi
Jean Walsh and Graham Davies
Patricia Washington++
Sandra and Barnet Weinstein
Craig Welburn++
Jerry Wheelock
Dr. Jaan Whitehead
Bennie and Flash Wiley++
Karl Wirka and Mary Jane Kubler
Eleanor San San Wong
Sean Woodroffe++
Steven A. Yakutis and Guy Pugh
Simon Zornoza

+ Donors to the World On Stage Fund
++ Donors to the Gaining Ground Fund

This donor listing reflects all gifts of $50+ received between January 1, 2018 – April 8, 2019.
Our deepest thanks to all who generously contributed gifts in support of ArtsEmerson. Every gift matters!