Cold Blood

A delightful new enchantment of stagecraft and cinema from the makers of Kiss & Cry.

MAY 30 - JUN 3, 2018

WBUR, The ARTery

“Cold Blood is one of those artistic happenings that is nearly impossible to describe — it’s a theatrical performance that’s also a film, a piece rooted in mime and puppetry whose end result is more like a dance. Hands are the central expressive agents in this piece, which explores death’s dark absurdity and occasional transcendence."

Director Jaco Van Dormael, The Boston Globe's preview of Cold Blood

“It’s the kind of ephemeral film you cannot make in cinema. It has to be onstage,”

Michael Crabb: The Toronto Star

“marvellous ingenuity”

“It is a tribute to the team that brings it to life each night that it seems fresh and immediate, yet utterly polished; no small achievement and no ordinary night at the theatre.”

J. Kelly Nestruck: The Globe and Mail

“You may never look at your hands the same way”

“The images Van Dormael, a filmmaker, and de Mey, a choregrapher, create are often extraordinarily magical.”

“Cold Blood is ambitious”

Utopia Parkway

“to make a theatre with grown-ups look at things with the same sense of wonder they had when they were kids? Quite unique.”

“impresses by its richness in details and references and by its wildly imaginative power, and touches by its underlying tender compassion.”

“Here’s a very gifted filmmaker (Le Tout Nouveau Testament) at work, taking a step back and having fun”

Keith Garebian: Stage and Page

“Cold Blood is almost ineffably beautiful and strange, lyrical and poetic.”

Evi Dance Radio

“After seeing this show you probably will never see your hands in the same way.”