See You Yesterday

Shattering the silence of history with each breath.

Cambodian Flag FROM CAMBODIA
MAY 16 - 19, 2019

Critical Praise

“a brilliantly performed hybrid of physical theater and circus arts”
- The Boston Globe
"A fascinating phenomenon...both visually stunning and emotionally cathartic”
- South Shore Critic
"A joyous show...vibrant and sometimes chilling."
- Theater Mirror
"The loveliest — and most arresting — vision in See You Yesterday are scenes where the performers mass their bodies in precarious piles and balances to portray caves and promontories and riverbanks, creating a landscape that enables some lucky people to hide and to escape. They become, in their very flesh, home and flight from home."
- The Arts Fuse
“The Earth cried when Sreypov beautified the pains of women who suffered by the Khmer Rouge.”
- Youk Chhang, Executive Director, Documentation Center of Cambodia
“Combining the physical ability of athletes with the dramatic talent of actors.”
- The Cambodia Daily
"The Cambodian artists co-creating this production are part of an ensemble of 19 young circus performers trained at the Phare Ponleu Selpak circus school. Many of them are former street children, trying to resurrect 'their memory of a history they never lived' according to [director Michael] Lessac, and 'creating a show based on their imagination about what their elders went through.'"
- The Huffington Post

Audience Raves

"This group is magical, and the work they do in Cambodia is just inspirational!"
- Audience Member
"Compelling storytelling through dance, music & acrobatics! Kudos to the exceptional young performers."
- Audience Member


"It’s a joyous show. They gave themselves the next level of triumph over oppression, even if it was [in] a small way.”
"The storytellers’ extraordinary acrobatic and circus arts skills, along with determination to share their truths ensure See You Yesterday will deliver a powerful performance."
- Sampan Newspaper